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Knowing God HUG Sufering

KNOWING GOD – Why does He allow suffering?

If God exists and is both omnipotent and loving, then how can there be suffering in the world? This question means something different if we analyze it only as a theoretical curiosity, and completely different if we sit in the middle of a personal tragedy with our heads hanging down. Have you ever asked, “God, where are you?” If so, this article is for you.


GROWTH IN FAITH – How can I get closer to God?

According to many, there is a huge difference between religion (man’s attempt to reach God) and faith (man’s response to God’s approach). Once we have a personal relationship with God, we naturally desire to know him more closely. The following article will help you better understand and experience God’s infinite and unconditional love.

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HELPING OTHERS – How can we prepare to lead a Bible study group?

Do you want to help others grow in their relationship with God? A great goal, but how to do it? One of the best tools for this is a joint Bible study. But what topics are young people interested in and how can you serve this to them? What is the purpose of the group? What do you entrust to God in leadership? In this article, you can learn how to prepare yourself so that you have answers to all of these.