Kálmán and Julianna have been serving as full-time staff with CRU since 2007 in Budapest, Hungary.
Kálmán grew up in Budapest, Hungary in an atheistic family. As a teenager he lived through the fall of Communism and came to Christ through the efforts of the first missionary wave that entered the country. He has served God since 1994 through various missions and as an elder in his local church. He has studied as a graphic designer, then worked for one of the top 3 design agencies of Hungary. In 2004 he felt the call to serve God full-time among students.
Julianna grew up in Nyíregyháza, near the Ukrainian border, in a traditional Christian home. Jesus found her at the age of sixteen in a car on the way home from a Christian camp, when she realized through a conversation with a friend, that God does not have grandchildren, only children. The first time she met CRU was on the campus of the University of Law in Budapest. After serving with them as a volunteer for two years she knew God calls her into full-time ministry to students. She finished university as a lawyer in January of 2008.
We got married on the 1st of April 2006. Zoé was born on the 10th of February 2013 and brought much joy and laughter to their family with her personality. Patrik was born on the 27th of September 2015 and is a very smart boy.
In 2017, we began working with local families, working closely with FamilyLife, a ministry of CRU in their neighborhood. It began as a personal ministry of Julia among many young not-yet-believer mothers. Today we have dozens of families around us, and God is using us to impact their lives for Christ through pre-evangelistic and seeker groups for women and men with many committed volunteers, An Evening to Remember© guided evangelistic date-nights, Art of Marriage© video series events as well as Art of Marriage Connect© groups among many other initiatives we are continually testing. Kalman is also on the Board of Trustees of the 4th Musketeer© men’s movement in Hungary, helping to run and follow-up the XCC© (Extreme Character Challenge©) weekends that is a physical, emotional, and spiritual challenge for men. 4M annually puts on five XCC, two Arise, one Father-Son and one Father-Daughter weekends as well as running a network of businessmen longside the vision and values of 4M, called LIFE-Network. Starting in 2023, since we are seeing many people opening to the Gospel in Budafok-Tétény (a part of our district) as a next step, alongside a small team and with the help of our pastor, Rob Futo of Cornerstone (Sarokkő) Presbyterian Church we are planting a local Church.
Marriages are struggling, and couples need the real hope only the Gospel provides! Our goal and desire is to win, build and send the whole family.
If you are interested in our ministry stories, please subscribe to our Epistle site and emails: https://thekovacsfamily.epistle.org/
To donate to us via CRU (donation are tax deductible), please visit: https://give.cru.org/2784063
12% will be subtracted from every donation to cover CRU fees.
You can donate to us directly in Hungary (donation are NOT tax deductible) above.
Our Contact:
Hungarian Cell: +36-30-251-2031 (FaceTime, iMessage)
Home Address in Hungary: 1223 Budapest, Terv u. 7/B/1. Hungary